According to BuzzFeed, Allison Barron and Levi Bliss were together two years before they got engaged this past weekend. Allison's father and Bliss reportedly get along great and hang out constantly, which made her proposal that much ... funnier?

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Her dad casually stopped by while Bliss was busy proposing to hold up a giant "SAY NO" sign. "We both know my dad so well, we got the joke right away and found it funny," Barron told BuzzFeed.

Anyway, Barron had been crying after the proposal and began laughing upon seeing her dad and his jokez.

Of course, the picture of her dad has since been hella memed:

Spoiler alert: she did not say no. Mazels all around!!!

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Tess Koman
Digital Director

Tess Koman covers breaking (food) news, opinion pieces, and features on larger happenings in the food world. She oversees editorial content on Delish. Her work has appeared on,, and